Archives de catégorie : English
bhāvanā: mental development
Note: the original context may be more user-friendly bhāvanā: cultivation by the mind, mental development, meditation – lit: calling into existence, producing. Perhaps the closest we can get to a definition of the word, or at least what the concept entails, is a … Continuer la lecture
Unwise attention: ayoniso manasikāra
ayoniso manasikāra: inappropiate attention, unwise reflection. The most substantial characterization of ayoniso manasikāra is provided in the Sabbāsavā Sutta: MN 2 “so evaṃ ayoniso manasi karoti: ‘ahosiṃ nu kho ahaṃ atītamaddhānaṃ? na nu kho ahosiṃ atītamaddhānaṃ? kiṃ nu kho ahosiṃ … Continuer la lecture
Why vitakka might mean ‘thinking’ in jhana
This article is set to be a comment on Bhante Sujato’s article Why vitakka doesn’t mean ‘thinking’ in jhana. I mean no disrespect to the author. I will simply explain why I have found the arguments presented in that article … Continuer la lecture
Why avihiṃsā·saṅkappa is not included in abyāpāda·saṅkappa
To put it in a monk’s words: In sammā·saṅkappa, we find abyāpāda·saṅkappa and avihiṃsā·saṅkappa (besides nekkhamma·saṅkappa). I still can’t see why is there a need to include avihiṃsā·saṅkappa. Shouldn’t abyāpāda·saṅkappa cover it? I have been wondering the same thing for … Continuer la lecture
What the suttas teach us about the meaning of saṅkappa
I have for some time wondered what the actual meaning of saṅkappa is, and I have noticed that so do a number of people, since the term sometimes rendered by ‘thought’, or ‘intention’, which are quite different in meaning. Here … Continuer la lecture